One of the most common skin diseases is athlete's foot. It occurs in people of all ages and professions. The highest prevalence of mycoses occurs among hot shop workers, miners, athletes, and bathroom workers, in whom the incidence exceeds 60%. Children suffer very rarely, but already in adolescents there is an increase in cases of mycoses.
What is foot mycosis?
Foot mycosis is a group of fungal skin diseases, often with simultaneous nail damage. These infections cause similar clinical manifestations. They can only be distinguished after microscopic examination of the skin and nails. Mycosis of the skin of the feet is a highly contagious disease. It is transmitted from person to person through household items: changing room carpets, showers and swimming pools, foot benches, sinks and bathroom and sauna floors. It is dangerous to wear shared shoes and socks. The superficial layer of the skin, which is constantly exfoliating, contains many fungi and their spores. Initially, the interdigital folds are affected, itchy skin occurs. In the future, the infection captures the entire foot and spreads to the nails. The course of the disease is long, requires constant treatment. To prevent foot mycosis, you can purchase an effective prophylactic.

Causes of mycosis of the feet.
The cause of the disease is microorganisms of the genus Trichophyton, less often mold fungi and Epidermophyton floccosum:

- red trichophyton (Tr. Rubrum) causes up to 95% of all cases of the disease;
- about a third of patients also found interdigital trichophyton (Tr. interdigitale);
- epidermophyton inguinale (E. floccosum) is the cause of the disease in 1% of cases.
The probability of infection increases in adverse external conditions:
- high humidity;
- tight shoes;
- frequent visits to swimming pools, saunas and other wet areas;
- the presence of a sick person in the family.
Some internal diseases also contribute to the development of a fungal infection:
- leg sweating;
- immunodeficiency;
- intake of corticosteroid hormones inside;
- flatfoot;
- Raynaud's disease, atherosclerosis of peripheral arteries, endarteritis obliterans, varicose veins;
- diabetes.

What happens during illness
Mycosis of the feet on healthy skin rarely develops. Even if the fungus reaches the surface, it will not be able to penetrate the thick layer of intact epithelium. Under the influence of adverse external factors, the epidermis accumulates moisture and loosens. Fungi penetrate the thickness of the skin and begin to multiply actively. This is further promoted by vascular diseases and immune disorders, which are accompanied by malnutrition and local protective mechanisms in the feet. The reproduction of fungi causes damage to the interdigital areas, intense peeling and discomfort. The rejected epithelium gets into socks and shoes, becoming a source of reinfection. That is why, during the treatment of mycosis, it is necessary to treat the inner surface of the shoe with a preparation with a special composition against the fungus.

Conventionally, there are such forms of mycoses of the feet, which are shown in the photo:
- Squamous: unilateral scaling and slight itching on the arch of the foot. This form often goes unnoticed.
- Intertriginous - the folds between the fingers are affected, then the process moves to the back of the foot. Suppurating cracks appear, accompanied by itching. A bacterial infection can join the development of erysipelas.
- Dyshidrotic - on the arch of the foot, the vesicles merge with each other with light, and then with cloudy contents. They open with the formation of painful erosions. This type is accompanied by itching and pain.
Mycosis of the skin of the foot in the acute period may be accompanied by fever, poor health, headache, enlarged inguinal lymph nodes. When infected with trichophyton, the nail of the I or V finger is affected, in the future the process spreads to all nail plates. First, yellow spots appear on the free edge of the nail, then it thickens, loosens and crumbles. Therefore, to treat foot fungus, you need to use products of complex action, for example, lotion for skin and nails.

Diagnosis of the disease
Recognition of the disease is based on the analysis of external manifestations and the isolation of the fungus from the skin surface. Microscopic examination of the affected epithelium and nails is performed. To accurately determine the type of microorganisms, they are grown in a nutrient medium. It is necessary to distinguish mycosis of the foot from a non-fungal lesion:
- intertrigo;
- eczema;
- psoriasis;
- hyperkeratosis.
An accurate diagnosis ensures a good treatment outcome.
Treatment of mycosis of the feet.
Therapy is carried out in 2 stages. First, it is necessary to eliminate acute inflammation and remove corneal overlays on the feet. Warm foot baths with potassium permanganate and lotions with a solution of boric acid are shown. After removing the dense epithelium, creams containing anti-inflammatory hormones and antibiotics are used. Once the inflammation subsides, these creams are replaced with similar ointments. At the second stage of treatment, antifungal ointments and creams are used (for example, representatives of the imidazole group of antifungal drugs). They should be applied to clean, dry skin 1-2 times a day, gently rubbing. Not only the affected area is treated, but also the surrounding surface of the foot. The course of treatment lasts about a month. Foot mycosis is successfully treated with drugs, special lotions for skin and nails, which can be bought at the pharmacy. Benefits of antifungal drugs:
- high activity against the fungus that causes mycosis of the feet;
- security;
- hypoallergenicity;
- Payable price.
The lotion can be used to treat other skin conditions:
- pityriasis versicolor;
- candidiasis of the skin;
- erythrasma;
- secondary bacterial infection on the background of mycosis.
The drug is used 2 times a day, gently rubbing it into the affected areas. The skin should first be washed with soap and dried well, especially between the fingers. The course of treatment lasts until the symptoms of the disease disappear and for another 2 weeks. The drug is well tolerated. It only occasionally causes skin irritation. It has the only contraindication - the first trimester of pregnancy. Of course, the substance clotrimazole is not used for your individual intolerance. One of the advantages of the lotion is the excellent penetration of the drug into the nail plates, which distinguishes it from a cream or ointment. Regular use of this drug provides an excellent result in mycosis of the feet and nails without the use of additional funds. Damage to the nails requires the appointment of antifungal drugs inside.
At the same time, therapeutic varnishes are used, which are applied to the nails 1-2 times a week until complete recovery.
preventive methods
Treating a fungal infection takes a long time. Mycosis of the feet requires the use of drugs, the cost of which is quite high. Prevention of the disease is especially important in people with risk factors for the disease. Athletes, swimmers, and hot shop workers are advised to regularly use antifungal and antibacterial medications, such as sprays or lotions. Such products are safe, do not harm the skin and do not cause irritation. With regular use, the chance of getting foot fungus is greatly reduced. Undecylenic acid spray is useful in preventing reinfection. To do this, the drug must be sprayed monthly on the inner surface of the shoe. The active substance of the spray, undecylenic acid, is safe even with prolonged use. It should be applied to clean, dry skin of the feet before each visit to the swimming pool and other similar places. Contraindications to the use of this drug have not been established. It should only be used with caution by pregnant and lactating women. It is necessary to eliminate the external causes of the appearance of the disease:
- wear boots and shoes that fit well;
- wear high-quality sports shoes made from natural materials;
- wash your feet daily and treat your nails in time;
- fight sweaty feet;
- when visiting a bath, pool, beach, it is better to wear light silicone or rubber slippers.
The general strengthening of immunity, treatment of diabetes and vascular diseases is necessary.